If the casualty's name or other phrase is UNDERLINED, click on it for additional information.
Name Leslie Morier EVANS   
Rank/Number Lieutenant   
Regiment Army Service Corps   1st Div Train
Age/Date of death 39      12 Nov 1917 
How died/Theatre of war Killed in action   France & Flanders
Last known address 1911: Alpha Hse, Loughton, Essex 
Cemetery Vlamertinghe New Military Cemetery, Ieper, Belgium 
Grave or Memorial Reference XI.C.2 
Location of memorial Olney War Memorial
Date/Place of birth c1878      Loughton, Essex
Date/Place of baptism  
Pre-war occupation of Casualty stock exchange jobber 
Parents Thomas S & Kate Evans
Parent's occupation chartered accountant
Parents' Address (last known) 1891: 20 Pembury Rd 
Wife Nora Louise Evans 
Wife's Address (last known) Gresham House, Olney 

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