Sometimes a more successful search can be achieved by entering only a small amount of detail

:  Type full name or use the wildcard *
Eg,    SMI*,   *BERT*,   *SON,  *-RICH (hyphenated surnames).

FORENAMES:  Wildcards are not necessary for forenames.
‘frank’ will locate John Frank, Frank John, or just Frank.
An initial - finds any forename beginning with that initial.

NUMBER:  Type number in full or in part, eg 178*, or *3456.

DATE OF DEATH:  For a precise date enter as 02 Sep 1917. 
Or you could enter   *Sep 1917   or   *1917.

RANK / REGIMENT / CEMETERY:  Type a matching phrase such as ‘Lieut’ (Rank), ‘warw’ (Regiment), ‘menin’ (Cemetery).  A pop-up list will appear. For a full search, keep the cursor away from the pop-up list and press ENTER. For a more specific search, click an item from the pop-up list and press ENTER.

PHOTOS:  Click to identify casualties with photos.

When switching between searches in Bucks Remembers and Clint’s Roll of Honour, you will see the Surname and/or the Forename of the last search repeated in the new search. This is to remind you of the name you are searching and help you to set up a new search more quickly. This feature only applies to the names of individuals. If, after switching, you want to clear the names then click on ‘Reset’.






Date of death





  • For searches resulting in more than 1000 matches (eg. rank=‘private’) the records are divided into sections which can be accessed by using the ‘Show more results’ and the ‘Back’ buttons.
  • A ‘(d)’ against a name denotes that the casualty is duplicated on one or more memorials.
  • Click on any underlined link for more detailed information.