Name Francis Joseph HARRISON   
Rank/Number Gunner  / 830072
Regiment/Unit Royal Field Artillery / 4th Reserve Brigade
Enlisted Malvern, Worcs 
Age/Date of death 27 / 04 Mar 1918 
How died/Theatre of war Died / Home
Residence at death  
Cemetery Great Malvern Cemetery, Great Malvern, Worcs 
Grave Reference 3.1241 
Location of memorial West Wycombe - not on War Memorial 
Date/Place of birth c1891 / Malvern, Worcs
Date/Place of baptism  
Occupation of Casualty assist gym instructor, Malvern College 
Parents/Occupation Richard Henry & Sarah Harrison / bank clerk
Parents' Address 2 Clarence Villas, Barbers Hill, Malvern, Worcs 
Wife's Address  
Notes formerly 857. Known as Frank. Inquest in newspaper