Name Archibald Maurice BOWDEN (d)  
Rank/Number Gunner  / 108061
Regiment/Unit Royal Field Artillery / D Bty 11th Bde
Enlisted Aylesbury 
Age/Date of death 19 / 24 Sep 1917 
How died/Theatre of war Killed in action / France & Flanders
Residence at death  
Cemetery Bleuet Farm Cemetery, Ieper, Belgium 
Grave Reference I.F.51 
Location of memorial Wendover C of E Junior School 
Date/Place of birth 17 Jul 1898 / Ellesborough/Dunsmoor
Date/Place of baptism 11 Sep 1898 Ellesborough 
Occupation of Casualty Rance Bros, livestock merchants 
Parents/Occupation James & Rosetta Bowden / farm labourer
Parents' Address 6 Old Ford Cottages, Scrubwood, Wendover 
Wife's Address  
Notes middle name also spelled Morris. Year of birth varies in different records from 1894-1899. Known as Archie. WW1 Service Papers on Ancestry