A poppy indicates that there are NO photographs yet for this casualty. If you have any relevant photographs or additional items of information then we would be very pleased if you would send them to us.
Name Alfred EDWARDS   
Rank/Number Private   772648
Regiment Canadian Infantry   38th Regiment
Enlisted Brantford 
Age/Date of death 37      29 Sep 1918 
How died/Theatre of war ...   France & Flanders
Last known address 71 Charlotte St, Brantford, Ontario 
Cemetery Bourlon Wood Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France 
Grave or Memorial Reference II.B.5 
Possible Location Burnham - not on War Memorial
Date/Place of birth 25 Sep 1880      High Wycombe
Date/Place of baptism 21 Nov 1880 Burnham 
Pre-war occupation of Casualty gardener 
Parents George John & Jane Edwards
Parent's occupation gardener
Parents' Address (last known) 1881: Albert St, High Wycombe 
Wife Friedshen Edwards 
Wife's Address (last known) 50 Sedgley Rd, Wolverton 
Notes previously served 18 months in Rifle Brigade 

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