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Name William Thomas NEED   
Rank/Number Private   140368
Regiment Labour Corps   587th Home Services Coy
Enlisted Bristol 
Age/Date of death 43      07 Jul 1918 
How died/Theatre of war Died   Home
Last known address Cheltenham, Glos 
Cemetery Bletchley Cemetery, Bucks 
Grave or Memorial Reference OC.170A 
Location of memorial Fenny Stratford Cemetery
Date/Place of birth c1875      Allchurch, Cheltenham, Glos
Date/Place of baptism  
Pre-war occupation of Casualty coal porter, gas works 
Parents Thomas & Maria Need
Parent's occupation labourer
Parents' Address (last known) 1881: 2 Derrett Cottages, Cheltenham, Glos 
Wife Florence Need 
Wife's Address (last known) 1911: 23 Millbrook St, Cheltenham 
Notes formerly 43762 Devonshire Regiment. Died at private residence of 2nd Lt Albert Loos in Bletchley Rd, whom he served as batman 

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