Name William John COEY   
Rank/Number Lance Corporal  / 12625
Regiment/Unit Oxford & Bucks Light Infantry / 6th Battalion
Enlisted Wolverton 
Age/Date of death 24 / 05 Oct 1915 
How died/Theatre of war Died of wounds / France & Flanders
Residence at death Castlethorpe 
Cemetery Merville Communal Cemetery, Nord, France 
Grave Reference IV.G.10 
Location of memorial Castlethorpe 
Date/Place of birth c1891 / Castlethorpe
Date/Place of baptism  
Occupation of Casualty coach painter/Wolverton Carriage Wks 
Parents/Occupation Alfred (late) & Annie Coey / railway coach worker
Parents' Address 4 New Rd, Castlethorpe 
Wife's Address  
Notes played cricket & football for local teams