Name Rupert WRIGHT   
Rank/Number Lance Corporal  / 266381
Regiment/Unit Oxford & Bucks Light Infantry / 1/1st Bucks Battalion
Enlisted Aylesbury 
Age/Date of death 27 / 23 Aug 1916 
How died/Theatre of war Killed in action / France & Flanders
Residence at death High Wycombe 
Cemetery Mill Road Cemetery, Thiepval, Somme, France 
Grave Reference IV.B.9 
Location of memorial High Wycombe Hospital 
Date/Place of birth c1889 / High Wycombe
Date/Place of baptism  
Occupation of Casualty French polisher 
Parents/Occupation John & Caroline Wright / chair maker
Parents' Address 1901: 21 George St, High Wycombe 
Wife Nellie Wright 
Wife's Address 2 Netley Villas, Queens Road, High Wycombe 
Notes formerly 3762 OBLI