Name Sidney Harry LEACH   
Rank/Number Sapper  / 185331
Regiment/Unit Royal Engineers / 202nd Field Coy
Enlisted Hounslow, Middx 
Age/Date of death 36 / 21 Sep 1917 
How died/Theatre of war Died of wounds / France & Flanders
Residence at death  
Cemetery Outtersteene Communal Cemetery Extension, Bailleul, Nord, France 
Grave Reference I.B.36 
Location of memorial High Wycombe Hospital 
Date/Place of birth c1881 / High Wycombe
Date/Place of baptism  
Occupation of Casualty printer compositor. S Bucks Standard 
Parents/Occupation William & Jane Leach / buildars manager
Parents' Address 1901: Easton Rd, High Wycombe 
Wife Mabel Leach nee Ives 
Wife's Address Downs Villa, Dunstable, late 76 Stanley Rd, Hounslow 
Notes Service Papers on Ancestry. Latterly worked for Messrs Page & Pratt, London