Name Thomas Edward KING (d)  
Rank/Number Private  / 4325
Regiment/Unit Oxford & Bucks Light Infantry / 2/1st Bucks Battalion
Enlisted Aylesbury 
Age/Date of death 19 / 19 Jul 1916 
How died/Theatre of war Killed in action / France & Flanders
Residence at death Reading, Berks 
Cemetery Loos Memorial, Pas de Calais, France 
Grave Reference Panel 83 to 85 
Location of memorial High Wycombe Hospital 
Date/Place of birth c1897 / Hounslow, Middx
Date/Place of baptism  
Occupation of Casualty Messrs Skull & Son 
Parents/Occupation Thomas John & Alice F King / fishmongers assistant
Parents' Address 2 Golf View, Wells Rd, Malvern or14 Swainstone Rd, Reading 
Wife's Address  
Notes parents formerly of High Wycombe