Name William George BIRD   
Rank/Number Private  / 15759
Regiment/Unit Royal Berkshire Regiment / 2nd Battalion
Age/Date of death 35 / 02 Dec 1917 
How died/Theatre of war Killed in action / France & Flanders
Residence at death 6 Union St, High Wycombe 
Cemetery Tyne Cot Memorial, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium 
Grave Reference Panel 105 to 106 & 162 
Location of memorial High Wycombe Hospital 
Date/Place of birth c1882 / Wallingford, Berks
Date/Place of baptism  
Occupation of Casualty finisher, saw mill 
Parents/Occupation Richard & Rosalind Bird / gas stoker
Parents' Address 1901: 8 Beckford Yard, High Wycombe 
Wife Jane Bird nee Stevens 
Wife's Address 6 Union St, High Wycombe