Name William BARRETT   
Rank/Number Lance Corporal  / 9149
Regiment/Unit Oxford & Bucks Light Infantry / 5th Battalion
Enlisted High Wycombe 
Age/Date of death 37 / 29 Sep 1915 
How died/Theatre of war Died of wounds / France & Flanders
Residence at death  
Cemetery Etaples Military Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France 
Grave Reference IV.H.15 
Location of memorial High Wycombe Hospital 
Date/Place of birth 03 Oct 1877 / High Wycombe
Date/Place of baptism  
Occupation of Casualty chair maker with E Gomme, Leigh St 
Parents/Occupation John & Sarah Barrett / chair maker
Parents' Address 24 Victoria St, High Wycombe 
Wife Edith Emily Barrett nee Dimmock 
Wife's Address 13 Dashwood Ave, High Wycombe 
Notes brother of Frederick Burnaby Barrett. Served through the South African War. Member of the Bird in Hand cricket and gun clubs