Name George HINKS   
Rank/Number Private  / 33591
Regiment/Unit Gloucestershire Regiment / 12th Battalion
Enlisted Aylesbury 
Age/Date of death 25 / 08 May 1917 
How died/Theatre of war Killed in action / France & Flanders
Residence at death Bois Moor Road 
Cemetery Arras Memorial, Pas de Calais, France 
Grave Reference Bay 6  
Location of memorial Chesham Bois 
Date/Place of birth 30 Apr 1890 / Chesham Bois
Date/Place of baptism 18 Dec 1892 Chesham Bois 
Occupation of Casualty boot worker, Hayes factory, Waterside 
Parents/Occupation Thomas H & Harriet Hinks / blacksmith
Parents' Address 1901: Bois Common, Chesham Bois 
Wife Bertha Hinks nee Mead 
Wife's Address 1 Railway Cottages, Bois Moor Rd 
Notes brother of Thomas Henry Hinks on Chesham War Memorial