
 The Memorial Lych Gate at Bradenham Church

This Lych Gate
was erected by
the parishioners of Bradenham
A.D. 1920
“Lest we forget”

To the glory of God
in ever grateful and honoured memory of

Capt Douglas Clinton Leslie STEPHEN

Grenadier Guards

Capt Albert Alexander Leslie STEPHEN DSO

Scots Guards

Pte Leonard BROWN

Scots Guards

Pte Cyril Charles HAVERLY

Oxon & Bucks L.I.

Pte Herbert HICKMAN

Kings Shropshire L.I.

Horace Edwin WOOSTER



Who gave their lives in the
Great War
AD 1914 - 1918


A War Shrine was dedicated by the Bishop of Buckingham, the gift of a Mrs Tempest. Made of solid oak, it consisted of a crucifix and two panels, on the right were painted the names of Bradenham men and servants at the Manor who were fighting; on the left were painted the names of those who had fallen. It was surmounted by a carved heading and supported on a 7 foot tall oak column.