Welcome to the Buckinghamshire Remembers website

It is hard to appreciate the consequences of the appalling loss of life suffered on all sides during the First World War. In almost every village, in almost every street, husbands, sons, brothers volunteered for war with confident patriotism and the optimism of youth. Could they have ever imagined the horrors of the trenches, the deafening thunder of constant bombardment, the lung-tearing poison gas – and the grinding fear? We must never forget that terrible conflict so rightly called the Great War.

The aim of our work is to help us all to remember those who suffered in the conflict but to devote particular homage to Buckinghamshire men and women who paid the supreme sacrifice and never lived to enjoy the relative peace that followed.

Please read the ‘Methods’ section so that you can appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of the records.

Note that clicking an UNDERLINED link (eg Smith or Wendover) may display ADDITIONAL information.

Site last updated: 3 May 2024

To date: Number of :

Names listed on War Memorials


War Memorials (excluding headstones)


Acknowledgments/photo donations


We are very pleased to receive significant grants from

Buckinghamshire County Council (Community Leaders’ Fund)

Councillor Bill Chapple OBE, Councillor Lesley Clarke OBE

Councillor David Martin

the late Councillor Pauline Wilkinson MBE

Skipton Building Society, Wendover

The Buckinghamshire Military Museum Trust

The makers of the film (Joanna Barclay et al) Our County at War - The Home Front in Buckinghamshire 1914 – 1918