
Even though Buckinghamshire is a relatively small county, recording the details of the thousands of Buckinghamshire men who lost their lives in the First World War is an intense undertaking for our small team. But we are enthusiastic and determined to make a worthwhile contribution. You will appreciate that even though the project is almost complete there are still a few gaps in the records and it is hoped that these gaps will be filled as the project progresses.

So far our researches have focussed on documenting military and genealogical evidence. But as our efforts become better known we hope site-visitors will send us family stories and photographs which we will try to incorporate. So please do not hesitate to contact us by clicking the ‘Contact Us’ button. It may be possible for us to digitally scan precious photographs in the security of your own home.

We hope that this website will be of interest to military historians, family historians and schools as they undertake historical projects. Please help us to maintain our research impetus because we feel we owe it to those brave men who never returned to enjoy the broad fields of Buckinghamshire.