Setting up a search

You can set up a search using one or more search ‘keys’. Upper or lower case characters can be used.

Apart from ‘Date of Death’, you can enter a string of characters to find all matches containing your string. For example, entering ‘johns’ into the surname field will find names like ‘JOHNS’, ‘LONGJOHNS’, ‘JOHNSON’, ‘JOHNSTONE’. Such a method of searching can sometimes be helpful in identifying name variants. Another similar example, entering ‘wilts’ in Regiment would find all the regiments in which ‘wilts’ (Wiltshire) was included - so long as you know that ‘wilts’ is the ‘official’ abbreviation for ‘Wiltshire Regiment’, etc.

If you want to find an exact match you can click on the Exact box. When you do this and enter ‘henry’ in the forename field, only records with ‘Henry’ - and no other forenames - will be found. Wildcards, such as ‘hen*’ or ‘*hen’ can be also used to find names in the ‘exact’ mode.

‘Date of Death’ is a special case which is set to use an ‘Exact’ search by default.
All dates must contain two hyphens.

What you enter

The result


Deaths on 11 November 1918


Deaths any time in January 1916

--1916   [2 hyphens]

Deaths any time in 1916

after 11-11-1918

Deaths after 11 November 1918

01-11-1918 to 11-11-1918

Deaths between 1 and 11 November 1918

before 31-12-1914

Deaths before 31 December 1914

- -    [2 hyphens]

Lists the survivors (ie. no date of death given)


Lists those who are known to have died in WWI but for whom the exact date of death is unknown

CAUTION: Until the database has been fully validated and corrected, please use the search facility with care.

Switching between Bucks Remembers and Clint’s Roll of honour searches

When switching between searches in Bucks Remembers and Clint’s Roll of Honour, you will see the Surname and/or the Forename of the last search repeated in the new search. This is to remind you of the name you are searching and help you set up a new search that bit more quickly. This feature only applies to the names of individuals. If, after switching, you want to clear the screen then click on ‘Reset’.

The Results List

Clicking ‘Search’ displays likely matches in the ‘Results List’. If your search produces a very large number of matches, the list of matches will be divided into batches of 1000, ending with the balance of matches up to the total number found.

These matches can be browsed using the vertical slide bar. The maximum number you can match is 5000.

The number of matches decides the number of individuals displayed. If the number of matches exceeds about 11 then the vertical scroll bar is displayed and you are reminded to use this feature by the Scroll prompt at the bottom right hand side of the display.

Selecting the Sources

Clicking a row in the ‘Results List’ will display a table of Sources for your selected match. The sources for an individual can be stored by clicking the ‘Add to Print List’ button. You can do this repetitively. You can see which sources you have chosen by clicking the ‘View Print List’ button. Clicking the ‘Print/Save PDF Version’ allows you to create a PDF file which you can save and/or print. Those who use this feature frequently may be interested in the ‘quick-select’ feature. If the Alt key is held down when clicking on an individual in the search results list, the sources are automatically added to the print-list - no extra button clicks needed.

In the Sources you will occasionally see a dashed-underline to such abbreviations as ‘F&F’ or ‘e.’ Allowing the cursor to dwell on such an underline will expand the abbreviation.