Corporal John Kinross

Additional information about Corporal John Kinross can be seen at: Kinross Genealogy website.


 Datchet Cemetery

And of
their eldest son
Corporal in the London Scottish Regiment
Born 27th April 1890
at Kingsbury, Warwickshire
Died 21st March 1915 in France.

He hastened to join the army
immediately on the outbreak of
the war on the 4th August1914
was sent out to France in September.
Fought all through the following
terrible Winter Campaign in Flanders.
Took part in several engagements round Ypres
and elsewhere in France and Belgium
particularly in the glorious assault on Messines
where his regiment was decimated
but earned undying fame and was killed in action near Neuve Chapelle
on Sunday the 21st March 1915.
There his body rests

He was a fearless and a gallant lad and died on the field on honour beloved by the Officers and Men of the Regiment and everyone who knew him.